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Practice Areas: Family Med, Internal Medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN, General Surgery, Psych

Specialists: No

Application Review: Rolling Review based on Applications received 10/1 - full

Notes: Physician must first apply for a waiver through any organization with a federal or interested governmental agency authority which submits waiver requests for Idaho's underserved populations. Applications must include documentation as to why this route was not taken. Sites must pay a $1000 non-refundable application processing fee, accept Medicaid and Medicare patients and implement a sliding fee schedule for patients who are compromised in their ability to pay.

Contact: Casey Suter
Manager - Idaho Primary Care Office
Bureau of Rural Health and Primary Care
450 W. State Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0036 
Phone: (208) 334-5993 
Fax: (208) 332-7262

E-mail: Casey.Suter@dhw.idaho.gov

Website: http://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Health/RuralHealthandPrimaryCare/J1VisaWaiverNationalInterestWaiver/tabid/413/Default.aspx

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